Call for Papers
The program of CBC 2019 will feature invited talks plus two types of contributions selected by the program committee through peer-review.
The first type is represented by contributed talks about recent results, works in progress or submitted for publication in some other venue. To be considered for a contributed talk, please send a title and an abstract to
In addition, CBC 2019 offers the possibility of submitting full papers for inclusion in the workshop proceedings book. Revised selected papers will be published as a post-proceedings in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Full papers can be submitted through Easychair at the following link:
Submissions should not be longer than 20 pages (excluding references and clearly marked appendices), and should be prepared following the guidelines indicated by Springer. Submission templates can be downloaded from:
Important dates
- Submission deadline:
2 February 201913 February 2019 (extended) - Notification of acceptance: 1 April 2019
Single-page call for papers